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Canal Boat Slip & Dock Rules & Regulations

  1. When a vessel enters the Mexico Beach Canal the vessel, crew and guests come under the Rules and Regulations of the City of Mexico Beach.
  3. Only vessels in good condition and under their own power, shall be allowed in the berthing spaces. In the event of an emergency during the owner’s absence (i.e.., breakdown of the bilge pump, leak, bad lines, etc.), the Harbormaster is authorized to make any necessary repairs and/or take any necessary action to prevent damage to the city docks, finger piers, pilings, or other nearby vessels.
  4. Vessel owners shall keep his/her dockage area free and clear of trash and shall not commit or do any act that might result in a nuisance. All surplus fish shall be properly disposed of by any person having same in their possession.
  5. Piers, docks, sidewalks, stairways, streets, and grassy areas must be kept free and clear of materials, supplies and equipment. Water hoses and electrical cords shall not cross piers or docks and shall be kept in proper order, all water hoses and electrical cords shall remain on the brackets attached to the pedestal when not in use. Open fire will not be permitted on docks, piers or on-board vessels in the Mexico Beach Canal.
  6. No person shall make any repairs to any vessel while moored or berthed at the Mexico Beach Canal without first obtaining written permission from the City. All sanding, varnishing, fiberglass work, hull repairs and any other repairs deemed significant by the City are strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the City of Mexico Beach. Such work is intended to be done in a boatyard and is expressly forbidden in the confines of the Mexico Beach Canal.
  7. Vessel owners shall not store supplies, materials, accessories or debris on the City docks, finger piers, retaining wall and/or grassy areas and shall not construct thereon any lockers, chests, cabinets or similar structures. Painting, scraping, or repairing of gear shall not be permitted on the docks, finger piers, retaining wall or grassy areas.
  8. Discharge or deposit of any rubbish, waste material, oil, holding tank waste, or refuse of any kind or description into the waters of the Mexico Beach Canal is strictly forbidden. Owners will not pump out toilets or bilges containing oil, fuel, or any chemical or substance that could disturb or harm any natural resources, canal facilities, other vessels, or private property along the canal.
  9. Vessel owners shall not be permitted to make any modifications to City slips, finger piers, docks, sidewalks, retaining wall, stairways, parking and/or loading areas, streets, or within the grassy areas without the expressed written consent of the City of Mexico Beach. Bumpers attached to pilings will be allowed at the cost to the vessel owner.
  10. Proper mooring techniques shall be required and maintained at all times.
  11. Running, fighting, swimming, diving, roller skating, skateboarding, roller blading, and bike riding will not be permitted in the canal or on the docks, sidewalks or ADA ramp.
  12. Pets shall be leashed at all times and toileted in the grassy areas only. All pet waste shall be placed by the pet owner in the trash bins provided.
  13. Signs will not be displayed on piers or any other structure maintained by the City of Mexico Beach for the purpose or soliciting business. Signs attached to vessel displaying his/her business is allowed.
  14. The City shall have the right to terminate this lease, instantly, without notice or demand for failure to comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Mexico Beach Canal.

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