Mexico Beach has been designated as a bird sanctuary.
Killing & molesting birds prohibited
Unlawful to hunt, kill, maim or trap, hunt with slingshot, gun or attempt to in any manner shoot or otherwise molest birds or any wild fowl, to rob or otherwise molest the nests or birds nesting while located within the City.
Birds constituting nuisance
If starlings or other similar birds are found roosting, nesting, or inhabiting any locality within the City in such numbers as to constitute a nuisance or health menace to persons or property, it shall be the duty of the City council to notify representatives of the Audubon Society, Garden Club, Birdwatchers Club or Humane Society. If condition not eliminated by representatives of the above named organizations within reasonable time, then the City shall take whatever action it deems necessary to eliminate such condition or health menace.
Doves & pigeons
It shall be unlawful of any person to keep or harbor on any premises in the city any doves or pigeons, other than homing or carrier pigeons, unless the same shall be confined in cages or coops or in such other manner as will prevent them from flying or straying beyond the premises on which they are kept.
Law enforcement officers and other persons authorized by the City shall be authorize to capture or to kill any doves or pigeons that may be found beyond the premises where are kept.